Ayurveda Consultation - IN PERSON
Service Description
In-depth Ayurvedic comprehensive exam aimed for Prakruti, Vikruti analysis involves detailed health history, evaluating the pulse and tongue. It helps to reveal underlying factors in the disease process. The personalized strategy to uncover the root cause of what ails you. Instead of giving a remedy for each individual symptom, The individual plan will be created specifically for you. Therapies may include but are not limited to: Herbs, Diet, Lifestyle changes, Yoga, Meditation, Breathing Techniques, and Stress prevention.
Cancellation Policy
For cancellations/reschedule, please contact us or use online self serve by login into your account at least 24 hours in advance to avoid any inconvenience. Thank you and have a good day. Stay Healthy! AyuCure Wellness
Contact Details
2408 Bowen Wynd Southwest, Edmonton, AB, Canada